Saturday, March 18, 2006

Now Allowing Anonymous comments

I have been reading blogs for about 5 months and I just LOVE it! I love to discuss ideas and even enjoy a mild debate every now-and-then. However, I noticed that sometimes when blogs allow anonymous comments some people would leave bold and critical comments or hurl crazy accusations while hiding behind being 'anonymous'. In my honest opinion if you're going to criticize someone or accuse them of something, you should have the courage and do them the courtesy of signing your name (or user name). I thought to myself "If I ever start my own blog, I'm not going to allow anonymous comments"......but I've had a couple of people tell me that they couldn't leave a comment because they're not signed up with blogger. Many think that if you don't have a blog, you can't sign up through blogger and that's not true, you can.

However, having said all of that.......I'm going to give it a try. I've changed the setting to allow anonymous comments so that anyone who wishes to do so may leave a comment. I would ask that you please SIGN A NAME to your comment. You can also click on 'other' instead of anonymous and fill in a name that way too.

I don't mind people disagreeing with me or telling me that they think I'm wrong about something. What I don't like is name calling and accusations that are without merit. I don't want to use the comment moderation feature because I want people to feel free to discuss things with each other and with comment moderation, your comments don't immediately show up, so discussion can be difficult.

I'm going to try it and see how it goes.....after all, I can always change it back if it becomes a problem. (o: