Monday, March 20, 2006

Persecuted Christians

I was over at a blog called Diary of a Young Wife and she was talking about some small things she was going to do to pamper herself. Things like applying lotion everyday and taking better care of her hands and not drinking soda but tea, instead. She has done several posts like this, in the past, and I found them to be inspiring........because it's an area of my life that I've let slip. As a homemaker, it's easy for me to get caught up in the 'Noone but my husband sees me' mentality. SO WHAT!?! Even if it's 'only my husband' that sees me, I should make an effort to look nice for him, because other than God, he's the MOST important person in my life.

Husbands like it when we are well groomed and smell nice. I think some of the things I'm going to do to pamper myself is applying lotion daily, put on perfume whether I'm going anywhere or not, and wearing earrings with my outfits. Those are just little things but sometimes I think it's the smallest details that can make the biggest difference. Head on over and read all of Emma's post and if you want even more inspiration, in this area, check out some of her archives.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying that I need to be dressed as if I'm off to have tea with the Queen, and I'm not talking about perfection or of neglecting my family for 'self'. I'm talking about the little things I used to do to take care of myself that I've now gotten out of the habit of doing.