Monday, March 20, 2006

Quotes I Love

I love reading Lady Lydia's blog, it's called 'Homeliving Helper' and I link to it in my side bar. This quote from her most recent post is one of the reasons I find her blog so inspiring:
"That is why I say, when you are homemaking, that you should not just clean something, you should beautify it. Your finished job should send a message. It should say "I love my family enough to provide a place for them that is lovely and comfortable."

Another quote I enjoy so much that I have it hanging on my refrigerator is by Gladys Taber, Stillmeadow Seasons:
"But housekeeping is fun, and I think the women who hate it lack imagination. It is one joy where you enjoy the results right along as you work. You may work all day washing and ironing, but at night you have the delicious feeling of sunny clean sheets and airy pillows to lie on. If you clean, you sit down at nightfall with the house shining and faintly smelling of wax, all yours to enjoy right then and there. And if you cook---ah, if you cook---that creation you lift from the oven goes right to the table."
No, I don't particularly enjoy cleaning my toilets, at the moment I'm cleaning them, but I enjoy the end result. And talk about instant gratification!.....after cleaning any room, I can step back and bask in the cleanliness of the room and be instantly gratified.