Friday, March 17, 2006

"God Sees You As Beautiful!"

I was over at Erin’s blog at ‘Unfolding Moments’ (her blog is in my links section) and read her most current post called “Beautiful Women”. Erin is an incredibly talented blogger! Her writing always amazes me because she always has great insights......she helps me see things in a way that I hadn't thought of before and her writing style is very pleasant and flows nicely....what a gracious lady she is. Since I’m new to blogging, I don’t yet know how to set it up so that you can just click on something, in my post, and go right to hers…..please be patient with me. (o:

Her post starts with a 25 year old, single woman who asks a question of Candace Watters of Boundless Webzine ( The young woman is worried because noone, but her parents, has ever told her she's beautiful. Candace gives her some wonderful answers and Erin adds some of her own thoughts.

Some of my favourite parts of Erin's post are:

** "As women, we long to be the glory of a man; quite literally, his beauty. As you make the most of your features and form, remember your spirit also informs your beauty."

**“This inner beauty comes from resting in God's provision and trusting Him to be your advocate. It's the opposite of striving to control.”

**“Beauty is not just a state of being. It's also doing.”

**“Every time you create beauty for others, you send the message that they are valuable, worth the price of your effort.”

**"'To know that God sees you as beautiful, and worth the costliest gift ever given — His Son — is a powerful antidote to counterfeits.”

**“When you draw your self-worth from your Creator, you're better able to recognize and resist men who would flatter for their own ends rather than your good.”

And then, Erin sums up with:

**"As much as we love our husbands, God (not our husband) is to be our source of self-worth."

I've highlighted some of my favourite parts of the post but, please, head on over and read the post in it's entirety (just click on Unfolding Moments, in my links sidebar)'s definitely worth the read! (o: